I've asked myself many times..."just what makes the view up here so great? What is so special about it anyway"? I've come to understand, it is because up here, whether sitting on the deck or relaxing in the living/bed room, you feel like you're one with the view. Maybe it's because the cabin sits high on the land and the land is high up on the side of Buzzard Knob, but I always feel as though I'm in the trees, looking out at more trees and even more trees and then the majestic Mount Pisgah. If I pay attention, I can just barely see cars parked at one of the scenic turnouts on the Blue Ridge Parkway. At night in the winter, I'd often watch lonely car lights snake their way up Hwy 151 off in the distance, heading straight up to the Parkway. Of course winter is a fairy land when on a crystal clear night, a zillion stars seem to sprinkle over the tree tops. And during a full moon, you won't need a night light at all. The cabin is located 12 miles from Asheville, NC and is easily accessible.
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